Videos from Greenland

Here is our selection of Greenland videos. Get a feeling for what Greenland is really like without even taking a step out of your house. These videos of Greenland depict experiences from our tours including the beautiful scenery, local people, and much more. Check back from time to time to see our latest footage!

Leifur Örn - South and East Coast of Greenland 2007

Collection of magnificent photos taken by one of the most experienced guide, Leifur Örn, in both South and East Greenland in two separate tours in 2007

RAX - Last Days of the Arctic

This spectacular video here above consists of photos shot by RAX, or Ragnar Axelsson. The video gives a glimpse into his new book, called "Last Days of the Arctic".

 A bit more about this phenomenal photographer, taken from his website

"Ragnar Axelsson has been travelling to the Arctic for almost three decades, drawn by a deep respect for the hunting communities of northern Greenland and Canada. His images have won him recognition as one of the most accomplished documentary photographers of our time. This remarkable body of work is finally brought together to present a unique record of the daily life and culture of some of the most remote communities in the world.

Ragnar ‘RAX’ Axelsson has worked as an international photojournalist for the past three decades. Highly acclaimed, he has been honoured as Icelandic Photographer of the Year on four occasions. His work has appeared in Stern, The New York Times, Le Figaro, Newsweek, Time magazine and National Geographic. In conjunction with the release of Last Days of the Arctic, Saga Film is completing a documentary for the BBC based on his evocative photographic journey among the people of the North."